The November 2021 Development Update
The new game over screen - artwork courtesy of the always amazing Yanina Nesterova <3
So apparently I’m starting to have gamedev nightmares now.
The other day, I dreamt that She Dreams Elsewhere had leaked on Steam wayyyyy earlier than it was supposed to. Not only that, but the version that leaked was an early dev build that didn’t actually have anything done. So when people bought it, all they would get was a blank title screen followed by the game crashing. So naturally, everyone was hella mad, the store page was filled with negative reviews, Twitter had a field day dunking on me - y’know, the whole shebang. Also, this was all happening while I was hosting a party, so I had to deal with a bunch of drunk people in my way while I tried to fix it…
So just what is that all supposed to mean? What’s the point? Am I too stressed? Exhausted? Overworking myself, maybe?
...or maybe it’s just a dumbass dream that means absolutely nothing. Who knows! And that’s why we love dreams around here <3
ANYWAY. Development itself is coming along nicely. It’s certainly taking its time, but I hope y’all can hang in there just a little while longer. In the meantime, here’s some pretty pictures for ya:
Unfortunately, this ain’t in the actual game. This is me prototyping a boss with unfinished artwork, and doing it in the most shitposty way possible. Gamedev, amirite?
Also, I decided to personally commemorate Xbox’s 20th anniversary by getting myself a custom She Dreams Elsewhere controller via Xbox Design Lab - looks pretty spiffy, don’t it? It’s kinda insane - the original Xbox was one of my first gaming consoles, and now my first game is also gonna be shipping on Xbox…
Life has a real funny way of working out, yo.
Anyway, that’s it for this mini update! As always, if you’d like to keep up with She Dreams Elsewhere, make sure you follow the game on social media - Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube! Wishlisting on Steam and telling all ya friends would be great too if you haven’t done so already. Thank youuuuuuu~
‘Till next time, y’all stay safe out there! Have a happy turkey day~